
What is a book?

A book is a medium for recording information in the form of writing or images, typically composed of many pages (made of papyrus, parchment, vellum, paper or in an electronical format) bound together and protected by a cover.

What are the benefits of reading?

Research shows that regular reading:

  • improves brain connectivity.

  • increases your vocabulary and comprehension.

  • empowers you to empathize with other people.

  • aids in sleep readiness.

  • memory improvement.

  • reduces stress.

  • lowers blood pressure and heart rate.

  • fights depression symptoms.

  • better writing skills.

  • mental stimulation.

  • stronger analytical thinking skills

  • prevents cognitive decline as you age.

  • etc.

Why is reading 20 minutes a day important?

Students who read 20 minutes a day outside of school tend to have improved language skills, a better understanding of the world, stronger relationships and outscore their partners on tests by 90%.

Why should you read before bed?

Reading also allows your muscles to relax and slows down your breathing, leaving you feeling calmer. ...

The `Sleep Council´ say that 39% of people who are in the habit of reading before they go to sleep, sleep very well'. It makes perfect sense that an activity that reduces stress is beneficial before bed.

Which country reads the most?

According to the NOP World Culture Score Index, India is the country that reads the most, with over 10 hours per week.

Thailand is the second country and China the third, with 9.24 and 8 hours per week respectively. Spain is the twentieth country out of thirty with 5.48 hours per week.

The last country (the thirtieth) is Korea with 3.06 hours per week.

What are the main book genres?

Here’s a list of the different book genres:

- Fantasy - Thriller - Self help / Personal

- Adventure - Historical fiction - Development

- Romance - Science fiction - Health

- Contemporary - Memoir - History

- Mystery - Cooking - Travel

- Horror - Art - Guide

- Humor - Children's - Families & Relationships

Who are some of the most known British writers?

The most known writer is William Shakespeare who wrote Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Macbeth, Othello, Midsummer Night’s Dream, Taming of the Shrew, The tempest, The Merchant of Venice, King Lear, etc.

Other important authors and some of their most famous works are:

Geoffrey Chaucer.- Canterbury Tales

Graham Green.- The Quiet American, The Third Man, Monsignor Quixote

Jane Austen.- Pride and Prejudice, Emma, Sense and sensibility

Lewis Carroll.- Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

Mark Twain.- The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer, The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn

Agatha Christie.- Murder On The Orient Express

Charles Dicken.- Oliver Twist, A Christmas Carol, David Copperfield

Arthur Conan Doyle.- The Stories Of Sherlock Holmes

George Eliot.- The Mill on the Floss

Charlotte Brontë.- Jane Eyre

Emily Brontë.- Wuthering Heights

Anne Brontë.- Agnes Grey

J. K. Rowling.- Harry Potter, Fantastic Beast And Where To Find Them

Enid Blyton.- The Famous Five (Five Go To The Sea, Five Get Into Trouble, Five Run Away Together,…)


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  • La Mansión del Inglés.- Short stories with activities.

  • La Mansión del Inglés.- Audio texts.

  • Lector Virtual.- Virtual reader provides you with the best literature in English and Spanish to read online or download in pdf or epub format. You can search for books by author, title, genre or by using the search bar. In addition to the books, in our utilities section we have some free applications that can help you with pronunciation or in the translation and understanding of texts.

  • Agenda Web.- Tales, short stories, fairy tales, fables,... with levels (beginners, intermediate

and advanced).

  • Sites Google.- Reading comprehension (three levels: beginners, intermediate and advanced).

  • English for everyone.- Reading comprehension with worksheets in 12 levels.

  • LibriVox.- Thousands of books and a lot of genres, some of them with audio.

  • OM Short Stories.- Readings with audios and readings with activities.

  • East of the Web.- Children's, crime, fiction, horror, humor, non-fiction, romance, science-fiction,...

  • Linguapress.- Intermediate English reading texts with worksheets and advanced English reading texts.